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Sign paper(PDF)   Japanese



Sign the Petition for Legislation Against Harmful Host Practices

Destructive hosts targeting young people

Cult of mass nationwide expansion = host business

Our Demands:

①Prohibit entry for individuals under 25
Implement age verification measures to restrict entry.

②Ban accounts receivable
Prohibit the imposition of exorbitant fees by ensuring transparent
disclosure of charges upon entry.

③Employee status for hosts
Advocate for the employment of hosts as employees rather than
operating on a commission-based model.

④Establish a one-stop support system

Create a nationwide, collaborative support system across relevant government agencies. Destructive hosts targeting young people
Cult of mass nationwide expansion = host business
Start Date: December 15, 2023
Signatures should be sent to: Mr. Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan
Signature sent by: Hidemori Gen(the Council of Fathers and Mothers to Protect Youth)

After sending your signature, you will receive a reply e-mail from
If you do not receive it, please contact us(03-5291-5335).